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York High School Develops D&D Club

After dozens of sessions, the new players of York High School reached the end of the Dungeons and Dragons club for the year of 2022. The new players have been exposed to a whole new game involving near-endless opportunities and directions to take both in and out of the sessions. Currently the players are near the finish line of their year-long campaigns now with knowledge of the game’s rules. Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game where a storyteller called the dungeon master (DM) produces a story following a basic set of rules in which the players act as characters in the story and interact with the environment created by the DM. Almost all actions in D&D are determined with the roll of different dice for difference circumstances, with a twenty-sided dice being the most commonly used. The story can take place in any environment; however, a medieval fantasy environment is the most common. The players have had a long and eventful year, filled with sessions worth of adventures, monsters killed, and inside jokes made. “As a player I've grown to be able to be more ready for sudden conversation and my most memorable moment was when I started K-pop,” said Nelson Brown (Fr.). D&D club was split between two main groups during the year, one being a medieval fantasy year-long story and the other was a mix of different environments and rules split up by shorter sessions. Both groups managed to attract new players to D&D and teach them the basics of the game, while keeping nearly all players throughout the entirety of the year. The players showed up nearly every Thursday when the club was open, waiting for the DM to tell the story he had planned for the group. “Over the sessions we have had, I’ve learned how to try and get others to get involved in the story telling and gotten a better sense for when others should have their moment… my favorite memory would probably be session one [where] two people jumped out a window,” said Ron Collier (So.).

D&D Club at York High School runs with English teacher Beth Phillips as the sponsor, herself an avid player.

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